I heard about a couple of stories this morning on the Theresa Tomea show while driving in my car listening to the radio, so I thought when I got home I would look them up and post them.
The first one I found interesting from EWTN regarding poorly catechized Catholics being one of the biggest obstacles to the New Evangelization. I couldn't agree more. I myself, as a revert, was a very poorly catechized Catholic. It would be way too embarrassing to even tell what I knew,or thought I knew about the Church prior to my return. I hope and pray that our world is learning from the mistake of the past and is changing this attitude of not teaching the catechism. I remember after I returned to the Church and my son needed to go through the RCIA, what one of the sisters there said when asked by someone else, "when are we going to learn the catechism?" She told the class we no longer teach the catechism. My son turned to me as if we were going to stop and quietly told him we still do. I know there is more to passing your faith on to your children than just the catechism and I am always in prayer for my son and husband's salvation.
So anyhow, here is a link to that article.
Now the second article is a newsworthy event. One maybe you have heard before, I haven't.
It appears there have been some computer hackers attacking the Vatican. I don't understand all there is about hacking computers and exactly what they did. It looks as if it happened twice. Once during World Youth Day and then again March 7th but like the article stresses, look at the reasons for their hacking and wanting to bring down the Vatican website.
According to an entry on the “Anonymous” Italy blog site, the attack was in response to the “doctrines, liturgies and the absurd and anachronistic precepts” that the Church spreads worldwide, citing the sexual abuse of children, and various historical and other alleged misdeeds. The hackers also objected to the Catholic stance against abortion and contraceptives.
I pray those people, and it looks like there were thousands, come to know and undestand the Catholic church is a place of love and forgiveness through Our Lord.